Experience Cleaner Bongs and Smoother Hits: Shop So Fresh and So Clean Screens Now!

EZ Screens Kit

Our Story
So Fresh and So Clean, launched in 2018, empowers folks to make informed choices about their smoking experience. We offer top-notch smoking accessories at accessible prices, designed to enhance their enjoyment. We're a reliable and trustworthy brand, committed to transparency and open communication. We're also passionate about minimizing our environmental impact, constantly seeking sustainable solutions in our products and practices.
Product Testimonials
Regular-Ish Smoker
"Im cleaning significantly less than I used to, it tastes better, and no other product i've seen can do that"
Big Smoker
"I have been using the product for over 2 months and I can't believe I only have to clean my bong every few days."
Occasional Smoker
"no chance that it would be THAT clean after 10+ sessions over a few weeks"